Ok it's Born of the Gods Review time again, two weeks away from Online playtesting. I was whispered by the Muses Blue gets a few interesting cards from the set.
Full visual spoiler can be found here again :
Dimir Mill, Mono Blue, Azorius Control / Aggro, Simic Aggro Permission, Izzet builds could competitively take advantage of new efficient cards in the current Standard Metagame.
Here are the cards that caught my eye.
Flying sirens?!
Of course. There are 3 on the art just like in Greek Mythology, according to many authors, though only one normally sings and the other two are supposed to be playing music instruments.
The Heroic triggered ability is not that interesting, and I guess it will only see play because of a 3/2 flying body. Maybe in a Mono Blue build, and only for Standard Pauper Constructed !
I know it's crisis time, but look at this casting cost !
Prescient Chimera is just better in the format, even if this Human Wizard can help us draw and get card advantage. Sure?
Two toughness makes him a weak target for Red removal like Shock. If you are to spend 5 manas for something solid, just keep away from that card.
A 2/3 Merfolk for three manas is not bad. It's Nimbus Naiad without Flying but +1 Toughness. Same bestow cost. A +2/+3 boost is interesting in any creature based deck. Temptation is here Bestow-playing it on a Flying or Unblockable creature. Beware though, Pacifism is stil around and kicking.
I like that art and that card and think it will see play. Just because Atlantis is burning and sinking in the background.
So much to write about that Serpent. In short : this card definitly has a potential. It can enter any deck playing blue - and enchantments. The serpent is Fate Foretold's best friend for a draw combo. He can return any Bestow creature in your hand so you can play them according to the changing situation. The enchantments returned to your hands can trigger Heroic every turn !
Of course you want that serpent to be unblockable so the fun never stops. So many options to build around, granted a 4/4 body for 5 manas is quite decent.
That is a weird and unusual card in blue. It triggers Heroic for sure, can be helpful as combat trick. Beware, the Tritons are taking over the city !
This really would shine in a Nivix Cyclops deck for a big or fatal blow. Even it can trigger an Inspired ability on demand. In fact this card is so versatile we'll have to wait to know what its real potential in the format is. Just a pity the card does not read "protection from color" as well.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!
Maybe the best art ever for Divination in Magic history, what do you think?
Still draw two cards at sorcery speed. The flavor text really makes the link between Divination and Gods, wether you like it or not. And that's brand new ! Not much else to say.
Now here's a card Mono Blue or Dimir Mill decks could take advantage of in the current Standard Pauper metagame.
Great card.
About The Dimir Slow Mill deck, one card from Born of the Gods previously reviewed on this blog will definitly give it another chance to shine. I kept the information hidden and did not mention it in the card comment.
Wich card and why ? Please post in the comments if you can guess, I'll offer a playset of that card to anyone giving the correct answer in the comments below.
Frost breath and Scry. Not much more to talk about. May help some aggressive Izzet Build, maybe a Nivix Cyclops one again or a Mono Blue Aggro clearing their path to victory.
So here we are. I've been a Sea Mage and in love with shores for so long I have to admit I can't really be neutral giving my opinion on those cards.
Is there any card in Blue missing here for Standard Pauper Competition?
Say so in the comments below, and answer the question about the Dimir Mill Deck to claim your prize !